Infertility – Hypnosis and Regression

  • October 07, 2016
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Infertility refers to an inability to conceive after having regular unprotected sex. Infertility can also refer to the biological inability of an individual to contribute to conception, or to a female who cannot carry a pregnancy to full term. In many countries, infertility technically refers to a couple that has failed to conceive after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without the use of contraception.
According to The Mayo Clinic, USA:
– About 20% of cases of infertility are due to a problem in the man.
– About 40% to 50% of cases of infertility are due to a problem in the woman.
– About 30% to 40% of cases of infertility are due to problems in both the man and the woman.
Though hypnosis has been used in the cases of infertility, its use has been limited to assisting in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Even as the role of the mind-body connection is appreciated, the role of hypnosis in infertility is still being limited to the following:
i. The management of stress in the relationship arising due to infertility
ii. To handle the despair and loss of hope as the treatment period lengthens
iii. To deal with the negative impact on self-esteem and general well-being of the couple
iv. Using self-hypnosis for relaxation as a means of reducing anxiety and psychological stress related to painful and invasive medical procedures.The use of imagery and relaxation techniques have been of value in conjunction with procedures of Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART).
Hypnosis can do a lot more in cases of infertility – going to the cause
Why does a couple find itself in a situation where it can’t produce a baby? We know what the pathology is. Given below are the reasons that work within the subconscious mind, giving the individual absolutely no clue about their presence. These are some of the reasons that we have come across from our practice of Hypnotherapy while dealing with couples with infertility issues –
Reasons arising from the man:
Why is a man not able to make his partner pregnant? What is in him, working at a subconscious level that does not want to start the proceedings of creation?
Is there a fear of taking up the responsibility of fatherhood? Does he not trust his partner of doing the job of conceiving perfectly and healthily? Is he for some reason hesitating in taking his relationship to a higher level? Has he seen traumatic upbringing either in himself or around him especially in relationship to his father or mother, and has a fear of it, so much so that he does not want to produce a child? Does he feel, due to some reason, that the world is not a safe place for his child to grow up in? Or is it a thought coming from a past life where he has had traumatic experience with child bearing/producing that he has decided that producing a child would not be a good idea. Is there a past life vow of being celibate? A fear of abandonment that makes him feel that he will be denied the attention of his partner after the child is born?
And remember, all these are coming from his subconscious and he has absolutely no knowledge of them. They do come out in a deep hypnotic trance.
Reasons arising from the woman:
The woman too may have her own fears – fear of getting pregnant or fear of the pain of labour. She may have a desire to be involved in her career and may feel that pregnancy and childbirth will impede her growth and progress. She may have low self-esteem and low confidence and may feel she is not capable of handling the process of creating and nurturing a child. There could even be a past life curse of being barren and infertile. She may have had a maiden life of being in a family of ‘higher’ culture and finance compared to her in-laws, and not wanting a child with the surname of her in-laws because she feels embarrassed or ashamed of the surname. It may just be her way of hitting back at her mother-in-law by not conceiving, the negativity possibly coming from a karmic backlog.
Reasons arising from both the man and the woman:
Here are subconscious thoughts that act on the couple as a team. If either has a subconscious thought that does not want to take their relationship to the next level, it may be resulting in infertility. Is there a mutual mistrust between them? Is there a competition between them and does the woman feel that getting ‘bogged down’ with the issues of child care will make her partner ‘rise higher’ in the field that they are competing in? Have the couple shared a past life where they have seen traumatic deaths or helpless deaths of their children and decided to come together as partners in our next life, but not bear children? Or is it a curse coming down the ancestral lineage?
Whatever be the thoughts in the subconscious, these thoughts manifest in the physical body and result in cases where in spite of ART there is repeated failure. For those who can’t afford ART, there is just trauma and despair.
Hypnosis and regression therapy help in these cases. They go the the causes and resolve them resulting in healing, even at the physical level. We have had cases where couples have benefited, not just in handling the trauma and despair, but also through conception. We have seen couples conceive naturally through our therapies without any medical help.
So if you are having infertility issues or know someone who is going through the ordeal, consider Hypnosis and Regression therapy. They work wonderfully and naturally.

-Dr Rupinder Singh Sodhi, Dr Sodhi’s Enhancers

Hypnotherapy: For Doctors

  • February 27, 2016
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Hypnotherapy fits in as a perfect complementary add-on to the medical practitioner of today.  A doctor can use it to remove the cravings of a diabetic or motivate him to do his walking regularly so that the medication being given will be more effective. A doctor can use hypnosis to reduce stress in a hypertensive to keep his blood pressure under control with his regular antihypertensive medication. A doctor can use hypnotherapy to reduce the pain in a cancer patient or to keep the side effects of chemotherapy to the minimum. A doctor can use hypnotherapy to make the patient visualize the radiation given to him for cancer being utilized to maximum effect. The uses are plenty and can be combined easily by a doctor to give the patient the best possible end result.

Here are a couple of examples of early doctors who have successfully used hypnosis in their medical practice:

Dr. James Esdail (MD 1808 – 1859)

In the 1800’s Dr. James Esdail reported performing a number of surgeries in Kolkata using hypnosis (then known as mesmerism). His claims were investigated by a committee on Sep 7, 1846 consisting of James Atkinson, Inspector-General of Hospitals, as chairman; Evelyn N. Gordon; D. Stewart, Presidency Surgeon; James Hulme; J. Jackson, Surgeon to the Native Hospital; A. Rodgers; W. B. O’Shaughnessy, M.D., F.R.S., secretary to the committee. Out of the seven patients followed up by the committee, 4 had absolutely no pain during surgery and in the remaining three there was doubt if there was pain or not.

Dr. John Elliotson MD (1791 – 1868)

Dr. John Elliotson is also known to have performed surgeries using hypnosis as anesthesia. In 1834, he was appointed as a physician to University College Hospital, London. Professor Elliotson’s application of hypnosis scandalized the hospital medical committee. He was asked to stop using hypnosis. Rather than abandoning his hypnotic techniques as instructed, he resigned his offices to pursue his hypnosis practice.

Various studies have been conducted on the efficacy of hypnotherapy. Here are a few of them:

The Power of Hypnosis: Psychology Today -Studies show that hypnosis can treat everything from chronic pain to poor study habits. By Deirdre Barrett, published on Jan 1, 2001 – last reviewed on Sep 2, 2010.

Surgery: Hypnosis given during surgical radiology not only diminishes patients’ pain and anxiety, but also shortens surgical time and reduces complications from procedure (Lancet 2000)

Cancer: In a study of 16 patients who normally experienced pre chemotherapy sickness (Nausea & Vomiting), hypnosis relieved the sickness in all of them (Oncology 2000)

Immunity: Hypnosis seems to significantly raise the activity of B Cells and T Cells, both key to immune response, in highly hypnotizable subjects (American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 1995)

Smoking: 3000 smokers participated in study by American Lung Association for group hypnosis for stopping of smoking, 22% did not smoke for up to after one month (The International Journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis 2000)

Attention Deficient Disorder: Hypnosis is as effective as Ritalin in treating ADD in Children (Presented at American Psychological Association Meeting, 1999)

Pain: In 169 patients, self-hypnosis was largely successful in relieving chronic tension headaches (The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 2000)

Medical procedure in children: Paediatrics 2005- Hypnosis reduces distress and duration of an invasive medical procedure in children. David Spiegel Lisa D. Butler, Barbara K. Symons, Shelly L. Henderson, Linda D. Shortliffe.

Pain and Anxiety: American Psychological Association 2011 Hypnosis today – Hypnosis continues to show promise in reducing pain and soothing anxiety.

Miscellaneous: Western Journal of Med. 2001 Oct; 175(4): 269–272. PMCID: PMC1071579 – Hypnosis, can reduce anxiety, particularly that related to stressful situations, such as receiving chemotherapy. Hypnosis is also effective for insomnia. Hypnosis enhances the effects of cognitive behavioral therapy for conditions such as phobia, obesity, and anxiety.

The more I research these wonderful uses of hypnosis, the stronger my urge gets to synthesize these two fields, medicine and hypnosis. Being a medical practitioner myself, I have seen tremendous improvements in my clients who have had issues ranging from physical to emotional, mental to spiritual. We have worked with cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, infertility, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, fears, phobias, addictions, low confidence and many more.

It is my appeal to the medical professionals to adopt hypnotherapy in your medical practices and see the changes in the overall result of your treatment. More and more doctors are getting familiar with hypnosis these days. In the last century there were just 2-3 MDs who had written book in this field. Today there are many. And that’s a good sign.

-Dr Rupinder Singh Sodhi, Dr Sodhi’s Enhancers.

My story with Hypnosis

  • March 24, 2015
  • blog


Years back, in my first year as a medical student, I came across an intern who had learnt hypnosis. He would come over to our room and hypnotize us. He wanted people to practice on and my room partner and I were junior most in a medical hierarchy and so we had no choice but to be willing participants. My room partner, as luck would have it, was a subject who could easily be hypnotized and that was all the more reason for this intern to keep visiting our room.

During one of those sessions, and this was somewhere in 1976, he made my room partner to lie down on three stools, one below his feet, one below his head and the third below his buttocks. And he hypnotized him. And suggested to him that his body has become as stiff as an iron rod. He then removed the stool from below his buttocks.

I was so amazed at what I saw. Here was this well-built 84 Kg individual who was lying on two stools – one below his head and the other below his feet, believing he was as stiff as an iron rod, and his body was just that – an iron rod!

It made me think – if a person could be made to believe that he is something that he is not, then the same way he could be made to believe that he does not have something that he has. Pain for instance. If he has pain, then he can be made to believe he does not have it.

That got me interested in Hypnosis.

But the hectic schedules of medical education got into me, and time just flew and hypnosis remained a fond memory.

After my medical education, I took up jobs, first with a Government organization, then with a private organization, and I finally quit to start my own practice, on the outskirts of Mumbai.

After about 25 years of a typical clinical practice, I got an email, informing me about a workshop on hypnosis. I had no idea how that mail came to me, spam or a message from a higher source, call it whatever you like, but it did bring back to my active memory the older fascination of hypnosis.

Seven years back, I followed that lead and learnt hypnosis. Practised it. And then went on to teach it.

It’s been a wonderful and very satisfying experience. Dealing with the thought that triggers it all, be it just a minor disturbance or a major illness…there is always a thought behind it. Hypnotherapy made me see the power a thought can have over us…and made me realize how powerful our mind is, how capable the mind is to heal us, to lead us to a safer journey…towards our destination. God Bless.

-Dr Rupinder Singh Sodhi, Dr Sodhi’s Enhancers